How to Lookup a B2B Email Address for Free

How to Lookup a B2B Email Address for Free
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Sami Taylor
by Sami Taylor

2 Min. Read

🚫 I hope this email finds you well. 🚫

Picture this. You’ve identified your perfect prospect list, each target matches your ICP, and you’ve got stellar, personalized template emails for each of your buyer persona segments. You feel like you can conquer anything and get underway with your sales outreach. But there’s a hitch. Disaster strikes. Your CRM records are missing email addresses. 

In sales, being able to lookup an email address is the bread and butter of your work. But how much time are you spending trawling through company websites and LinkedIn profiles to try and strike gold, and find the B2B email of the prospect you’re looking for? 

Read on to find out how you can lookup email addresses more efficiently, without spending a penny. 

In a hurry? Skip ahead. 

Manual Search

If your sales campaign is small, manual outreach might be an option for you. Only looking for 5-10 email addresses? Channel your inner detective and use your investigative skills by searching through specific company websites and LinkedIn profiles to find the right contact details. 


How to manually lookup an email address

Search engines are your best friend. In case you haven’t heard, Google allows you to run free searches on just about any topic. If your prospect has a common name (we’re looking at you, John Smith), try adding on the below qualifiers to yield better results: 


  • (Full Name) + “Job Title”
  • (Full Name) + “Company Name”
  • (Full Name) + “Company Website”


Still struggling to locate your lead? Try a site:search in Google to search on specific companies’ websites for the right email address. Enter the following prompts into Google to use a site:search:


  • + (Full Name) + Email
  • + (Full Name) + Contact


Some professionals also include their email addresses on their LinkedIn profiles. Consider locating your leads on LinkedIn or other social channels and seeing what contact information they have visible.


The verdict 

There’s no denying that manual searches are slow. In fact, sales representatives can spend up to 40% of their working time looking for contact information. Using a search engine to lookup an email address also opens up your team to finding outdated contact details. Keeping websites up-to-date with contact details isn’t always top priority for businesses, so you may find yourself at a dead end when using this method. And remember, always keep a record of your searches so you can avoid duplicating efforts across your team.


Patience is a virtue, especially if you’re using search engines to find email addresses!


Using an Email Finder

Email finders can drastically save time on your sales outreach. Rather than spending countless hours on search engines and social media, email finders use databases to locate emails so you can populate your prospect list quicker. 


How to use an email finder to lookup an email address

There are a number of email finders on the market to help you locate contact data for your leads. Most operate with a simple name search function and search databases to find the linked email address with your desired contact. One of the biggest drawbacks of using an email finder to lookup an email address is verification. While you might save time on manual processing, it can be hard to know if you’ve secured the right email address. And you’ll still have to update your CRM system with the email address once you’ve found it. 


Surfe’s email lookup tool for LinkedIn uses four email finders in one, and has a find success rate of 93% – higher than you’ll find anywhere else. Integrating LinkedIn with your CRM system, with Surfe you can simply locate your contact on LinkedIn and add a verified contact email to your system in one click. And when you add this contact data, Surfe automatically and intelligently enriches the data with added details like mobile number, industry and job title too. Saving you even more time – score!


The verdict

Using email finders to look up an email address can save your team hours of time. But you’ll want to choose the right tool, with in-built verification and a high guaranteed success rate. Did someone say Surfe?


Find validated email addresses for your LinkedIn contacts with Surfe

Bulk Search with Surfe for Sales Navigator Lead Lists

Want to save even more time building your lead lists? Bulk search helps you lookup multiple email addresses and add them to your CRM in one click. 


How to do a bulk search with Surfe for Sales Navigator lead lists

Exporting email addresses in bulk from LinkedIn Sales Navigator is simple. First, connect your CRM system to LinkedIn Sales Navigator using the Surfe Chrome extension. By integrating your CRM with LinkedIn, data can seamlessly flow between the two to keep your contact records up-to-date. 

Next, build a lead list on LinkedIn Sales Navigator by using its advanced search filters to identify the right potential contacts for your outreach. Once your list is ready, use Surfe’s email finder tool to retrieve up to 25 email addresses (with a success rate of 93%) and validate the emails through ZeroBounce to ensure they are active and correct. 


The verdict

Bulk searching not only saves your precious prospecting time, it also improves the efficiency and effectiveness of your outreach efforts by ensuring that your CRM is populated with accurate and up-to-date contact information. Knowing that your data is up-to-date and enriched at scale will help improve your conversion rates for qualified leads and ultimately help you drive revenue.


Video Thumbnail: How to export contacts from LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Pipedrive

Mass Search with Lighthouse by Surfe

We’ve already seen how you can lookup 25 email addresses at a time with Surfe directly in Sales Navigator, but imagine if you could find thousands of verified email addresses and phone numbers in just a few clicks. Enter, Lighthouse by Surfe. 


How to use Lighthouse by Surfe to perform a mass search for email addresses

First, build out a CSV file of your contacts in Excel or Google Sheets, including their first name, surname and company name. For even better results, include the contacts’ LinkedIn profile URLs too.


Next, head to Surfe, and click ‘Import your CSV list’. Select your prepared list from your files. Double check that Surfe has mapped the CSV fields correctly. 


Then, click ‘Enrich list of contacts’ and decide whether you want to find email addresses and phone numbers, or just email addresses, and click ‘Enrich data’. Once the enrichment is complete and the list is filled with verified email addresses and phone numbers, click ‘download as CSV’ and… voila. A perfectly populated spreadsheet with all the verified contact details you need to supercharge your sales outreach.


Coming soon – CRM integration with Lighthouse


And that’s not all, soon you’ll be able to lookup email addresses at scale with Lighthouse by Surfe and import them into your CRM system without having to lift a finger.


Let’s Wrap it Up!

Finding B2B email addresses for free can transform your sales outreach by ensuring you have all the necessary contact details for your prospects. But doing it all manually can be a slog for larger campaigns, sucking time and yielding outdated, unverified contact information. If you’re a small team with resource and time to spend on trawling search engines and LinkedIn to lookup email addresses free, make sure that you’re using site:search and being as specific as possible with your search engine prompts to increase your chances of finding the right email address.


Email finders like Surfe streamline this process by leveraging multiple databases to deliver a 93% success rate for finding up-to-date emails. And by validating each email address with Zerobounce, you can increase the deliverability of your sales outreach to convert more leads. 


Need to lookup email addresses at scale? For up to 25 contacts, Surfe’s integration with LinkedIn Sales Navigator helps you efficiently gather and enrich contact data, directly updating CRM systems. And for large-scale campaigns, Lighthouse by Surfe can find thousands of verified email addresses in minutes. So you can spend less time on laborious admin, and more time prospecting.


Surfe trusted chrome extension for LinkedIn

Ready to optimize your email finding process?

Surfe saves you over 15 hours a month by eliminating manual data entry. 



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How can I lookup an email address for sales outreach? 

  • There are a number of ways to lookup email addresses for sales outreach. You can search using manual methods like search engines and social channels, or you can use an email finder tool like Surfe to make the process more efficient.


Are email finders useful for looking up email addresses? 

  • Email finders can be great for speeding up the lookup process, but you’ll need to make sure that you choose the right tool to fit the bill. Surfe’s 93% find rate is unmatched and offers global coverage.


Can I find emails in bulk for sales outreach? 

  • Absolutely! Using Surfe with LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator allows you to automatically find and upload up to 25 email addresses to your CRM in just one click. Simple! 


Which tools are best for finding emails for sales?

  • Email finders like Apollo, Rocketreach and Hunter can help you find the right B2B email addresses for your outreach. Surfe combines the power of up to 15 databases to give you a 93% success rate for finding the perfect prospect.