Let’s get to know each other! Here is our story.

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We are the next generation productivity software helping sales and revenue teams navigate their daily work with ebb and flow.

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Surfe was created to break the CRMs silo, make them accessible everywhere people sell and finally bring peace of mind to sales and revenue teams.

Our core values

Surfe is a connected revenue workspace, serving sales & revenue teams to capture and serve clients more effectively.


Ease of use.

We believe that simple things are beautiful, that’s why made Surfe uncomplicated and crystal clear. We tried to build straightforward features to ensure your navigation & activity are as painless and effortless as possible.

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At Surfe, one of our top priorities is your efficiency and productivity that pave the way to increased performance. We’re here to give you the means to catch waves, ride them and execute the most difficult turns and tricks.


Joy and Freedom.

We created Surfe with the intention to give you peace of mind while selling. We want to empower you to go after prospects, get and close deal without having to waste time or worry about the little things (like refreshing your CRM, scheduling tasks and manually logging data). We made Surfe as customizable as we could, to ensure you’re at liberty to craft your own workspace that helps you be more productive – completely unconfined.

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Enthusiasm, energy and boldness.

At Surfe, we’re your biggest fans and supporters. Always by your side, we want to share our passion and energy to help you push the boundaries every day. We’re never afraid of the challenges and like to embrace difficulties, making bold moves! We hope we make you feel encouraged and supported to do so too!