Bolt 1
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Blot 3

Surfe eliminates time-consuming tasks to let you focus on relationships for business

Ready in 30 sec. ⚡️No set up.

Trusted by top sales teams around the world

Proof is in the surfing.

Surfe LinkedIn Integration Illustration
  • 15h+

    Saved per month by eliminating cumbersome & time consuming manual data entry

  • 4x

    More qualified leads added to the CRM and therefore generated more sales

  • Zero

    Contact or conversation losses thanks to 1-click sync from LinkedIn profile to CRM

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Surfe helps to maintain pristine data quality in the CRM to ensure that customers are being served properly, allowing us to preserve Google’s high standard of care.

Surfe is really the only tool I know that does the job correctly. There are plenty of LinkedIn tools, but none offer a CRM overlay on top

I don’t even have the feeling that I’m using Surfe, because it is so integrated with LinkedIn!