Add LinkedIn contacts and companies to Pipedrive in one-click, find professional emails, use Message Templates, and more, all directly from LinkedIn.

Trusted by top sales teams around the world

Proof is in the surfing.

  • 15h+

    Saved per month by eliminating repetitive manual data entry

  • 4x

    More qualified leads added to the CRM

  • Zero

    CRM cleaning needed. All LinkedIn contacts & conversations are synced

Work with Pipedrive directly on top of the LinkedIn interface. No tab-switching. Create contacts, deals and sync everything to the CRM in real time.


Add prospects to Pipedrive in 

Thanks to the “Add to CRM” button on Surfe’s side panel, LinkedIn & SalesNavigator profiles allows you to add all prospect’s info (Name, Job title, Company, E-mail, & more..) to Pipedrive in 1-click.


Auto-synchronize LinkedIn conversations

Keep all conversations recorded with Surfe’s auto message synchronization feature, and never miss out on any replies or opportunities in your Pipedrive CRM.


Pipedrive CRM fields embedded in LinkedIn

All CRM information is displayed on the prospect’s LinkedIn profile, and every one of your colleagues can view & edit CRM information directly from there.

“Surfe helps to maintain pristine data quality in the CRM to ensure that customers are being served properly, allowing us to preserve Google’s high standard of care.”

“Surfe is really the only tool I know that does the job correctly. There are plenty of LinkedIn tools, but none offer a CRM overlay on top”

“Surfe is so well integrated that it seems part of the LinkedIn website.”