9 Best LinkedIn Chrome Extensions for 2025

9 Best LinkedIn Chrome Extensions for 2025
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Jack Bowerman
by Jack Bowerman

2 Min. Read

LinkedIn is a wonderful tool. 

Finding out what your best mate from primary school’s up to today, making sure your frenemy from your first job still hasn’t been promoted, having a sneak peek to see what other roles are out there…

Joking! Ok, we all do use LinkedIn for the above (we don’t believe anyone who says otherwise) but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. If you’re in Sales or Marketing, LinkedIn is one of the top tools out there for prospecting, networking, sales outreach, email collection, and connecting with clients. 

Invest your time in LinkedIn, and you’ll see results like a better network, a bigger volume of prospects, and increased sales. In fact, 88% of sellers are on LinkedIn for business purposes. In other words, it’s the top choice for B2B sales pros in 2025. 

We’re sure you’re sold by now – but that’s not all we’ve got to say today. Combine LinkedIn with one of the following LinkedIn Chrome extensions, and you’ll get even more out of the platform: 

  • Surfe
  • Calendly
  • Apollo
  • Lempod
  • Lemlist
  • PerfectPost
  • AuthoredUp 
  • People to Notion
  • Kaspr

Ready to level up your LinkedIn use in 2025? Let’s get going.

How To Choose the Right LinkedIn Chrome Extensions in 2025

Before we get into the nitty gritty: how do you choose the right tools for you? How do you avoid getting stuck in Chrome extension overload? 

We’ll be honest: there’s no right or wrong answer to this question. Picking the right tools depends greatly on your prospecting needs.

When deciding which LinkedIn helpers are right for you, think about your product, your potential clients, your current lead generation efforts, and your current prospecting methods. Are you looking for: 

  • Increased interaction?
  • More emails?
  • Brand visibility? 
  • Avoiding manual data entry? 
  • Saving time with automation?
  • Connecting your CRM with LinkedIn?

Make a list of what you think would be most beneficial for you, your business, or your brand. Considering that many of the following LinkedIn Chrome extensions are used for a lot of different things, it’s most important to first figure out what you actually need. 

Next up, you’ll want to decide which of these tools can fix your problems or make your processes more efficient. Once you’ve got a good idea of the tools you’d like to add to Chrome, test them out! Many offer trial periods or free periods, so you can stay safe in the knowledge that you’re not wasting budget if it turns out something’s not a great fit.

1. Surfe

Hey, that sounds familiar! 

Surfe is a LinkedIn wizard – there’s really no other way to put it. You’ll have less admin, improved sales workflows, and plenty of data to really nail your prospecting efforts with. Let’s take a look at its top features: 

  • Connect LinkedIn to your CRM: add contacts to your CRM in one click, and bring your CRM to LinkedIn so you never have to switch tabs for time-intensive admin tasks.
  • Email finder: Surfe uses the top email finder tools from across the world to make sure it’s sending you the most accurate email addresses and phone numbers out there. You’ll be saying goodbye to bounced emails and phone numbers that don’t work, and hello to find rates of 93%. In case you were wondering, that’s better than everyone else. We promise.  
  • Message templates: stop spending hours crafting unique messages for every prospect. It’s a nice thing to do, sure, but it’s also wildly inefficient. Personalized message templates give you the best of both worlds; they replace variables such as #firstname and #current position with your contact’s information to make things feel considered.  
  • Sync outreach activities to your CRM: conduct your outreach directly from LinkedIn (yep, that’s right – no more tab switching). All your activity will be automatically logged in the CRM, including your LinkedIn messages and other outreach.

A nice added extra is that every team member in your organization can clearly see your LinkedIn activity, which makes team communication easier and allows managers to keep an eye on metrics. That prize for most meetings booked is in sight!

find emails and phones on linkedin

2. Calendly

As you (probably) know, Calendly is a wonderful tool. You send a link to prospects, they click on it and can book a meeting into your calendar directly. That’s right – say goodbye to replying to messages like “I have 15 minutes next Thursday between 10:35 and 10:50, how does that work?” 

The Calendly Chrome extension brings these capabilities into LinkedIn messaging. Quickly and easily access and create Calendly links, and say hello to smooth diary coordination. Love it.  

3. Apollo

Apollo has its own LinkedIn Chrome extension too. 

You can use this Chrome extension to find direct mobile numbers and email addresses for your LinkedIn contacts. If you use Apollo for Outreach, you’re in luck: you can then integrate these into existing lists and sequences. The extension also provides notifications if a prospect changes jobs, meaning you can keep all your information up to date.

4. Lempod

Lempod is a Chrome extension designed to boost LinkedIn post views, potentially increasing reach by up to 10 times. 

As a B2B sales pro, you should be well–versed in the art of social selling (and if you’re not – get it on your to-do list for 2025 ASAP). And as you’re well-versed in social selling, you should understand that reach – how many eyes get on your posts – is key to making new connections. Lempod helps you improve your reach by acting as a marketplace for LinkedIn engagement pods, where content creators can automatically support each other through mutual engagements. In other words, you comment on my post, and I’ll comment on yours.

To use the extension, simply post on LinkedIn as normal and then add your content to Lempod. Other users will engage with it, and as a result their own connections will see it – some of whom might want to buy from you. Simple.

5. Lemlist

Ever reached out to a perfect-looking prospect, only to get ghosted? Yep, us too – too many times to count, in fact. Ghosting is a part of sales prospecting life – but the Lemlist Chrome extension makes it much easier to send messages that will actually receive replies. 

Use the tool to personalize cold emails, automate follow-ups, and engage with leads across different channels. It’s like all your sales automation and cold email software daydreams wrapped up into one. 

One of the Lemlist Chrome extension’s key features is the ability to run targeted cold email sequences and follow-ups that are hyper-personalized rather than generic and snooze-worthy. Say hello to more time to work on the important stuff, and deeper insights into your efforts to play with. 

Add LinkedIn contacts to your Lemlist campaigns with Surfe

6. PerfectPost 

PerfectPost does exactly what it says on the tin: it helps you craft that perfect LinkedIn post. 

As a sales pro, you don’t have any spare minutes in the day (if you do, tell us your secrets…pretty please?). PerfectPost streamlines your writing experience within LinkedIn by letting you stylize your copy, add emojis, see where the ‘see more’ line will cut your post off, and see what it will look like on mobile. 

It also has a handy writing assistant to help you write quickly and easily. Nobody’s going to say no to that, are they?

7. AuthoredUp 

AuthoredUp helps you with that all-important social selling by allowing you to create better content, more consistently. It also has plenty of handy analytics to help you refine your content as you go. 

As well as text editor and post preview functions, AuthoredUp has a library of hooks, CTAs, and snippets to help you quickly and easily craft content that will get noticed. A scheduling calendar makes it easy to stay on track with your posting, even when things get really, really busy (which they will at some point!).

8. People to Notion

Are you a Notion user? If you are (us too!), you’ll love the People to Notion Chrome extension, which streamlines the process of adding a LinkedIn profile to your Notion workspace. 

Click just once, and you can transfer profile information into your Notion records – plus easily filter and reorder this data within Notion itself. 

We love that this extension is free to use – it offers up to 100 free credits each month for saving profiles. That’s plenty of time to test out whether you like it. If you decide you need more credits, they’ve got multiple pricing options to choose from.

9. Kaspr

Need more phone numbers and email addresses? 

How does over 500 million sound? Kaspar’s Chrome extension for LinkedIn gives you access to a huge database of verified, real-time updated contact data. It also has a free version; meaning you can check out what it’s like to use before choosing a paid plan. 


Let’s Wrap It Up! 

Who knew that you could do so much on LinkedIn? Whether you’re searching for contact details, trying to write that perfect LinkedIn post, or booking actual meetings, there’s bound to be something in this list of the best LinkedIn Chrome extensions for you. 

You’ll be spending so much time using LinkedIn for prospecting that you’ll barely register your frenemy’s promotion. Is that what we call personal growth?

Surfe trusted chrome extension for LinkedIn

Remember the first extension on the list?

We put it at the top for a reason 😉 Better see what all the fuss is about.

FAQs About the 9 Best Chrome Extensions for 2024

How Do These LinkedIn Chrome Extensions Integrate With Existing Software and Tools, Such as CRM Systems or Email Platforms?

Most LinkedIn Chrome extensions are designed to integrate with the popular CRM systems and email platforms – a benefit that you’ll really, really appreciate later down the line. Of course, specific compatibility varies by extension – if you’re not sure if your chosen tool integrates with your current tech stack, check its documentation or support for integration capabilities and/or limitations. When the majority of your tech stack integrates with your CRM systems and email platforms, you’ll notice smoother processes and less time spent on fiddly admin. With that in mind, choose your tools wisely. 

What Measures Do These Extensions Take to Ensure User Data Privacy and Security?

The extensions in this list should adhere to standard data protection and privacy regulations, including GDPR. That said, you should review each extension’s privacy policy for the specifics – don’t’ skip this bit! You can check out Surfe’s security standards here. 

If you’re not sure whether a tool’s compliant, far better to reach out and ask rather than assume – and have this decision come back to bite you later down the line. 

How Effective Are These Extensions in Improving LinkedIn Sales Outcomes?

How effective a LinkedIn Chrome extension is can vary depending on how you use it. We’d recommend keeping a careful eye on any analytics functions to make sure that it’s working.  If you’ve been using a LinkedIn Chrome extension for six months and see no improvement, you know it’s either time to switch it up or try something new entirely. When a tool is working, you’ll know. Take Surfe, for example, which can help to increase LinkedIn message response rates, save time spent on admin tasks, and improve the accuracy and cleanliness of the data in your CRM.