Add to CRM 1
Add to CRM 3
Add to CRM 2
Add to CRM 4

No more tab switching between LinkedIn and your CRM.
View, add, and edit CRM directly from LinkedIn profiles.
Everything synced in real-time.

Trusted by top sales teams around the world

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Bring your CRM to LinkedIn

When you visit a LinkedIn profile, you can see, add, or edit the details that are associated with that contact in your CRM.

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See who’s already in your CRM

Surfe highlights LinkedIn contacts when they’re already in your CRM so your team can all work in sync. No more prospecting contacts that are already in your CRM.

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Automatically enrich CRM data

When you add a contact to your CRM, we’ll automatically find and verify their professional contact details and add them to the CRM too! Surfe’s email finder for LinkedIn is best-in-class, with 93% find rate and unmatched global coverage.


Surfe has been a
fundamental part of Bolt
Businesses’ growth in
the UK
this year.



Surfe is critical to my job because I know I can trust its data accuracy. 80% of my new contacts are sourced with the help of Surfe, which helps me reach my customers before my competitors.

Mike Google


By using Surfe’s waterfall enrichment, we went to an average find rate of 90% on contact data.



Surfe allows us to ease our contact enrichment and frees up valuable selling time for our sales.
