How to keep Pipedrive updated when contact data changes

How to keep Pipedrive updated when contact data changes (1)
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Jack Bowerman
by Jack Bowerman

2 Min. Read

Ever found yourself scrambling to reach a hot lead, only to discover their contact information and the data in your CRM is outdated?

You’re not alone – data decay (CRM data gradually becoming more and more inaccurate) is a problem for all sales teams.

Sending your outreach to a contact who has recently changed position or company can be embarrassing and cost you the deal. But outdated contact information can also put an outright stop to a deal before it ever stood a chance.

Businesses lose a hefty slice of revenue, around 12% annually, to stale CRM data. And with contacts shifting roles or companies faster than ever, keeping that data fresh is becoming a serious hustle.

This article tackles both the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of keeping your Pipedrive data pinpoint-accurate.

Curious about a straightforward solution to halt the data decay? Looking for a solution that you can test for free with no commitment, payment, or setup required?

This step-by-step guide will teach you everything you need to know about how the LinkedIn Pipedrive Integration ensures all of the contact data and information in your Pipedrive CRM is as accurate as possible.

Key takeaways:

Pipedrive Contact Updates

Why your Pipedrive data is becoming outdated

Think of your CRM as a living, breathing entity. It thrives on fresh, accurate contact data. But contact data is anything but static. It’s constantly changing, often without warning.

Today’s reliable email address could be tomorrow’s bounced email. Reaching out with a follow-up or launching a new email campaign can be a real pain when you realize that much of the contact data you have in Pipedrive is outdated.

Imagine this: you send an email, hoping it entices a response, but instead, it bounces back. You email deliverability rate drops. The contact? They’ve moved on—different job, different company, different email address.

Every time your outreach misses its target, you’re missing an opportunity to address the unique concerns of your contact.

And missed opportunities = lost revenue.

Data decay happens for several reasons—people changing position, being promoted, or moving company, companies merging or restructuring, or simply data being entered incorrectly from the start. This phenomenon, an inevitable part of business across all sectors, isn’t fully controllable. But by understanding the factors that contribute to data decay, you can start implementing more proactive measures to maintain a robust and reliable CRM.

And with the right tools, you can react as soon as data changes, ensuring your outreach always lands in the right inbox so you can send the right message to the right contact at the right time.

Picture of Pipedrive CRM integration

How data decay impacts revenue

Data decay silently erodes your bottom line in several critical ways.

Firstly, crafting a persuasive pitch hinges on having accurate and reliable data. When the integrity of your Pipedrive data is compromised, so too is your ability to pinpoint and address your prospects’ specific needs. Without up-to-date information, you’re left guessing about key details like the seniority of your contacts or whether they even belong to the decision-making group critical for closing a sale.

Outreach efforts also take a hit when contacts cannot respond. An email that bounces back signifies the loss of a potential contact. This type of data decay can be the most damaging; a once promising lead vanishes into the ether, taking potential revenue with them.

The repercussions of outdated information extend beyond lost sales; they can strain professional relationships too. Imagine the embarrassment and potential damage to your credibility when you address someone by the wrong name (or employer or position, etc.) due to outdated records. These blunders can alienate clients and derail negotiations but they are avoidable.

Data decay also impacts team morale. Think about how much effort your sales team is putting in: sending thousands of emails weekly, only to receive minimal responses. A discouraging output from substantial input can significantly dampen their motivation and energy, which are crucial for driving sales.

Fortunately, keeping Pipedrive up-to-date doesn’t require extensive quarterly data audits. With streamlined processes and the right tools, you can effortlessly keep your data fresh, ensuring your sales team operates at peak efficiency and effectiveness.

How Surfe works_ Contact Updates

How to keep Pipedrive automatically updated

Traditionally, the cleanliness and accuracy of CRM data is confronted in one of two ways:

  • Some teams ignore it – it’s either not seen as a priority (big mistake) or they don’t think they have the resources necessary (which couldn’t be further from the truth – there’s zero resources required).
  • Some teams commit dozens or even hundreds of hours to a data audit each quarter.

The new solution simply involves connecting Pipedrive to LinkedIn so that the former can be updated when it notices that contact data changes.

Surfe is the Chrome extension that provides the Pipedrive LinkedIn integration. As soon as a contact’s LinkedIn profile shows any change—be it a new job title or company—Surfe alerts you immediately. A single click is all it takes to update these changes into your CRM.

This way, you can be confident that all your Pipedrive contact data is as accurate as it can be, giving you the best chance of building a strong relationship and getting a conversion. 

How it works:

  1. Begin by signing up for Surfe. It takes less than 60 second: sign up with your Google account or email address, install the Surfe Chrome extension, and log in to Pipedrive.
  2. You can create a new property in Pipedrive that allows you to associate a specific LinkedIn URL with a Pipedrive contact. This way, Surfe can differentiate between any contacts who have the same name, avoid duplicates, and creates a link between the contact and their profile which it uses to compare the two.
  3. Surfe works autonomously to scan your contacts – no action required from you. Should it detect any discrepancies or updates in a contact’s LinkedIn profile compared to what’s recorded in Pipedrive, that profile will be added to a list of contacts that need updating.
  4. To update a contact’s information, simply select them from the list, and with one click, Surfe syncs the new data to your Pipedrive CRM. With this process, your CRM will always contain the most current information and it requires minimal effort on your part.
  5. If a contact has changed role or company, it’s possible that they have a new email address too. Surfe automatically finds the validated, professional email addresses of your contacts using our intelligent enrichment cascade that has an industry-leading 93% find rate.
Pipedrive email finder

Top 3 benefits of keeping Pipedrive data updated

1. Keep your bounce rate low

Keeping your Pipedrive data up to date will keep your email bounce rate low. Every time you send an email, it either gets delivered successfully, or it doesn’t. 

When Pipedrive is populated with accurate contact details, you can send your outreach knowing that your email deliverability is as high as possible.

2. Contacts at new companies mean new business opportunities

When contacts change companies, it’s an opportunity for new business – but that requires maintaining and nurturing a relationship with the client, and for that, you’ll need to know when they change jobs.

3. Avoid damaging existing relationships

It can be awkward sending an email to a contact, only to learn they’ve been promoted or changed teams. By keeping your contact data in Pipedrive up to date, you can avoid any embarrassing emails, knowing exactly who you’re contacting.

Let’s wrap it up!

As we wrap up, it’s clear that the impact of outdated CRM data extends far beyond mere inconvenience. It’s about the lost opportunities that directly affect your bottom line and the potential damage to your professional relationships. By leveraging tools like Surfe and Pipedrive, you can ensure your contact data remains as dynamic and fluid as the market itself, allowing you to maintain the accuracy needed to foster strong connections and close more deals.

Remember, the right information at the right time is your competitive edge – your superpower. With the strategies outlined in this guide, you’re now equipped to handle the challenges of data decay head-on, ensuring your sales efforts are as effective and efficient as possible.

So, don’t let stale data slow you down. Embrace the solutions that keep Pipedrive clean and your outreach efforts sharp. Your sales team, your bottom line, and your clients will thank you for it. Ready to take control of your contact data? Let’s get started.

Surfe is trusted

Keep Pipedrive updated when contact data changes

Surfe scans Pipedrive every day, compares the data to LinkedIn, and creates a list of contacts that have recently changed position or company. We’ll update the contact data for you in one click.

FAQs about keeping Pipedrive data up to date:

How can I fight data decay in my Pipedrive system?

The best way to fight data decay is by using a tool that checks your contacts’ data for you, rather than you having to do it manually every quarter. 

Surfe scans your Pipedrive contacts, and their LinkedIn profiles at the same time, to find out if the contact data needs updating, and then lets you do it with one click. 

What tools does Pipedrive provide to combat data decay?

If you sign up to a Pipedrive account, you also get Surfe included, allowing you to fight data decay automatically. It’s just one of the ways Pipedrive is designed to help make selling easier. 

Do I need to hire a data specialist to fight data decay?

No, anyone who has access to your Pipedrive system should be involved in fighting data decay, as keeping contact data up to date plays a crucial role in hitting sales targets.