5 Ways to Increase Outbound Lead Generation

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Pierre Portejoie
by Pierre Portejoie

2 Min. Read

52% of outbound marketers say their marketing efforts are “ineffective”.

But outbound lead generation doesn’t have to be difficult. In this guide, we’ll explore outbound lead generation, highlighting its pivotal role in B2B sales. Outbound lead generation remains a powerful tool for businesses aiming to proactively connect with potential clients.


You’ll learn exactly what outbound lead generation is and then we’ll go through five simple ways to amplify your outbound lead generation efforts, designed to equip you with the knowledge to enhance your sales approach and get more leads that convert.


5 Ways to Increase Outbound Lead Generation

  1. Identifying and segmenting your target audience
  2. Leveraging cold outreach strategies
  3. Refining Networking and Relationship Building
  4. Embracing social selling
  5. Utilizing Automation Tools for Scalability

What is Outbound Lead Generation?

Outbound lead generation is a proactive approach businesses use to identify and initiate contact with potential customers. Unlike inbound strategies that wait for leads to come in, outbound lead generation actively seeks out potential clients, aiming to spark their interest in a product or service.


Outbound strategies directly target potential customers through methods like cold calling, emailing, and advertising, making it a more assertive way of generating leads.


Outbound leads can be categorized into Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), which show interest but aren’t ready to buy, and Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs), who are further along in the decision-making process and closer to making a purchase.


Now that we know what Outbound Lead Generation is, let’s look at how you can increase your Outbound Lead Generation and get more sales.

5 Ways to Increase Outbound Lead Generation

1. Identifying and Segmenting Your Target Audience

Understanding your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is crucial in outbound lead generation because it ensures you’re reaching out to those most likely to be interested in your offerings. 


By accurately identifying and segmenting your target audience, you significantly increase the efficiency of your outreach efforts. This targeted approach means your messages are more likely to resonate, leading to higher engagement rates and ultimately, a better chance of converting to a sale.


A key KPI to track in this area is the conversion rate, which measures the percentage of targeted leads that take a desired action, reflecting the effectiveness of your audience segmentation.


Top tip: Use an email finder tool for LinkedIn to find the email address of your prospects once you’ve identified them on LinkedIn

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2. Leveraging Cold Outreach Strategies

Cold outreach is vital in outbound lead generation for directly engaging potential leads. However, making these interactions personal and relevant can significantly improve their effectiveness. Using your research you can tailor your message to the recipient’s needs or interests, which can transform a cold contact into a warm lead.


A crucial KPI for monitoring the success of cold outreach strategies is the response rate, which tracks the percentage of recipients who engage with your outreach efforts.

Check out our blog on the top cold call opening tips, or learn how to get a higher email response rate in sales.

3. Refining Networking and Relationship Building

Effective networking and relationship building are crucial in outbound lead generation, especially for salespeople who can leverage personal connections to open new business opportunities. 

This method involves attending industry conferences, trade shows, and networking events to meet potential clients in person. It’s common to offer conference swag and other freebies at such events to leave a lasting impression. After all, maintaining a robust professional network through online platforms can yield fruitful interactions that could be converted into leads.

Key KPIs to monitor include:

Network Growth Rate: Measures how quickly you’re expanding your professional network.


Lead Conversion Rate: Tracks the percentage of new contacts that turn into leads, reflecting the effectiveness of your networking skills.


This approach encourages salespeople to use their interpersonal skills and industry knowledge to create and sustain connections that lead to sales opportunities.

4. Embracing Social Selling

Social selling, particularly on platforms like LinkedIn, involves using social networks to find, engage, and connect with potential leads. 


It’s about building relationships and providing value to your prospects through insightful content and interactions. This approach helps establish trust and positions you as a thought leader in your industry.


Key KPIs for social selling include engagement rates, which measure how actively your content is being interacted with, and leads generated through social platforms, indicating the effectiveness of your social selling efforts in attracting potential customers.


If you build up a strong enough presence on LinkedIn, your message will be more warmly received than someone who hasn’t made the effort to build a network and share interesting industry content.

5. Using Automation Tools for Scalability

Incorporating automation tools into your outbound lead generation strategy can drastically improve efficiency and effectiveness. 


By automating routine tasks, such as updating your CRM with new lead information, your team can dedicate more time to engaging with prospects. 


Tools designed for precise targeting, like those that help identify qualified leads, ensure that your resources are focused on high-potential opportunities. This approach not only saves time but also enhances the quality of your outreach, leading to better results.


A useful KPI for this area is the lead-to-close ratio, which helps measure the efficiency of your lead generation process, including the impact of automation tools on improving outcomes.


Let’s Wrap It Up!

You can increase your outbound lead generation by understanding your audience, refining your outreach strategy, building a strong network and presence in your industry, using LinkedIn for social selling, and embracing automation to free up more time for making actual sales. 


By applying these strategies and monitoring key KPIs, you’re equipped to not only increase the quantity but also improve the quality of your leads, paving the way for a more successful and efficient sales process.

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FAQs on Increasing Outbound Lead Generation:

How do you create an outbound lead gen strategy?

Define your target market and ideal customer profile. Set your objectives. Choose the channels that your audience is most likely to use so that your messaging is seen. Create a lead nurturing plan. Follow up with your leads.

How do you prospect outbound leads?

Build your list of potential prospects and compare them to your ICP. Create a personalized message direct to each prospect. Log that information into your CRM so you know what stage of the journey they’re at. 

Where can I find outbound leads?

Cold emails, cold calling, direct mail, and social media are all ways you can find new potential customers. 

Outbound lead gen vs inbound lead gen

Outbound lead gen is more proactive, it requires a salesperson to make contact with a lead and begin the process from there. Inbound lead gen is passive, it utilizes content to find interested prospects who then get in touch to learn more or to sign up.